The Multicharger Mixte. Ride all the time and take everything with you.
What are you taking today? The two little ones to nursery? Tomorrow the big shop and at the weekend all the camping equipment for a few days at the lake. This much cargo space sounds like an E-Cargo bike – but the Multicharger Mixte GT Touring is a cargo-optimised E-Bike with a lowered top tube in an off-road style and, as a GX model, with all-terrain off-road equipment. For all available R&M accessories click here.
Flexible load transport – the cargo bike of E-Bikes.
Integrated battery – power from within.
GX option – equipment for every destination.
Carbon belt drive – simple. Indestructible.
The R&M Multicharger Mixte GT Touring can have a maximum range of ~75 miles.
For more accurate range estimates, check out the Bosch Range Calculator here.